Thursday, June 16, 2005

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Well that lyric accurately summarizes day one after graduation from high school. Yes it is the end of the world I formerly knew. The world of ASB kids with social power and backstabbing b*tches with bleach blonde hair while jocks experimented with drugs and band nerds were actually popular and well known by all. The world of clubs' calendars holding power over when I did things, and where administrations policies for the dress code and school events was the only thing the average person got angered about. There was the social gossip network and the group dynamics that created small elite groups around campus who’s every member was known and monitored from a distance.

In theory it is done. High school is at least. But that shapes who we are and I'm sure the bitch bleach blondes will go onto to be equally so in life to follow. The ASB kids who conformed to the definition of perfect students set by parents and administrators will conform to the new standards in college and society. The free thinkers will be free of their cage and move to new locations where their mode of thinking is the cage to which others conform. The jocks will continue their sports obsessions and take the parties up a notch. Everything will remain similar, but everything will be affected by change. It feels natural though, and thus I'm fine with it all. Perhaps at the end of this summer it will strike- they're gone. I'm never going to be confined to a system of bells without my consent; I can refer to teachers by their first names. No one is holding my hand.

But honestly, we live the way we chose to live. I think those of us who wished to be gone have been using those desires to control the time we have alone up till now, and those looking for a system to conform to will simply join a new system- perhaps a sorority or fraternity and then take it from there. The natural progression of growing up and thinking we're wiser when we make the same mistakes.

So I'm fine with it all for now. Maybe things will change. I'd be surprised if they didn't, but change is inevitable and I'm looking forward to a new pace even if its the same race in a different location.