Friday, March 24, 2006

The Multitasking Generation ~ A response to the latest Time cover story

A summery: There's an amazing communications tool that our kids can use better than us! Paranoia ensues and teenagers everywhere laugh at the score of assumptions this article is based on. In our century every generation has moved beyond the realm of parental control much to the dismay of the parents. Whether it was the flappers in the 20's, the drugs of the 70's or the Internet now- all kids need some freedom and will find it in some way. Parents should raise their kids with proper values but to monitor their time online is as absurd as saying their children can only read books for an hour a day- online we have full books, music, TV shows, games, friends and everything else reality has to offer. Most kids aren't allowed out of the house on their own and the Internet proves an adequate substitute in most cases. I got an e-mail address in 2nd grade and I have as much dexterity in my hands when typing as I do in my jaw when talking. Perhaps it will take a while for adults to understand even if they built the tools we teens overuse in their eyes- we're simply furthering their development and using it to a greater capacity. Technology isn't what needs to be feared- its human nature that creates wars, pedophilia, online stalkers, verbal abuse and more. The Internet simply creates one more place for people to do what they do best: be merely human.