Saturday, May 13, 2006


There is a value to making statements. To communicating thoughts. Thoughts can be thought again and again however it is when they are being told that they're articulated and rethought in a new way. This process helps the thoughts be rethought, orginized and revised appropriety. I'm incredibly grateful for those who I can talk to about things worth thinking. For it is those people who help me define my thoughts and give my thoughts further meaning by removing them from the bubble of my head and allowing them weight beyond my own opinions as an individual.

I have been thinking a lot recently and I've determined it is human value which holds the greatest control over my thoughts. And knowing my own inherient values will aid and has aided me in recent thoughts as of late. I want to say I'm in love with something. Not someone but something. Some idea of goodness, some notion of hope, the redeeming values in each person and ... something more beyond the surface- some depth. I'm not sure what. But the notion of these things intrigues me and I'm obsessed with it and it holds a power over me. And somehow the word love suggests that more than any I know. This may be due to my limited vocabulary but it may also be true. I don't know. I will think more. I will discuss more. I will throw my thoughts towards my friends and allow them the power of manipulating them and tossing them back. I'm not sure how to wrap this thought up- but perhaps it needs no closure.