Saturday, July 02, 2005

Learning interesting things at work...

Let me enlighten you on how to wash your hands. I've known this for a while but this is the way the person making your coffee is told to do so by the sticker on the wall which has illustrations and times indicated.

Step One.
Rinse your hands with water.

Step two.
Add soap and rub hands together for 20 seconds.

Step three.
Add water to the soapy hands and rub hands together for at least 20 seconds.

Step four.
Rinse off all soap.

Step five.
Dry your hands off using a clean paper towel.

Step six.
Using a paper towel turn off the water so your now clean hands don't get anything on them from when you turned on the water with dirty hands.

Fascinating no?

Not really but its about as exciting as hand washing can be.