Class update
History of western civilization thus far has been a joke. I probably should be writing my essay or doing my take home test now instead of saying that- but it really is a joke. All this material is stuff I remember because I paid attention in 6th grade. Maybe it will get a little harder later? I'm not sure but I'm thinking its just going to me more work on old facts.
English 1AH has been alright- we've been working on a paper about Obediance to Authority which I need to do some edits on, and then I need to read 2 chapters of our book. Its been a fair bit of work but nothing too hard to think about- its just a lot more to be balenced. The teacher reminds me of my old biology teacher which is somewhat ammusing and a generally positive thing. The work load being a bit tougher is okay though because I enjoy having class with other honors kids who seem to have a greater understanding of common sense than in some other classes.
Graphic design has been pretty slow- learning the bare basics of InDesign and thus- nothing too interesting has been done. Hoping for better to come once the basics of the software are explained for those who don't usually use adobe products.