Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My sister the PUNK

adventure hat on... aka Shef is a punk. See her latest post to see the awesomeness she gets to see... FOR FREE.

Line up for the concert is
Annie Lennox
Bob Geldof
Elton John
Joss Stone
Killers, The
Mariah Carey
Ms. Dynamite
Paul McCartney
Pink Floyd
Robbie Williams
Scissor Sisters
Snoop Dogg
Snow Patrol
Velvet Revolver

WTF. I envy her so much right about ... NOW.
Yeah. Cross posted to LJ as I know you suckers don't read this.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Thoughts on friendship

So in recent pondering I've come up with the following categories for friendships. A bit rough but most relationships can conform mainly to one of these groupings.

Casual convince.
The friendships where you like the person more than a stranger and they feel likewise. You probably don't know them well and the only reason you interact is it is convenient and thus you greet each other with a smile and use the word friend because you know each other beyond the point of acquaintance and its a positive interaction. These are often in class friends and work friends who you won't keep in touch with when moving on- but for the moment why not have a quick conversation before moving on?

Wishful thinking.
Those people you like and they tolerate; the unbalanced relationship where you want it to be a friendship and thus use the word. Meanwhile they probably think its casual convenience and wonder why this word is being used and why you're still there when they move on. These unbalanced relationships often come just as casual friendships do- the difference being one person is pushing it farther and the other won't budge and sees no reason to.

Doing Friends
These are the people you do things with. You go out and see movies, bowling, rock climbing... whatever floats your boat. Boating works too. These are people you may or may not agree on when it comes to politics or general values but you find them a pleasure to be around and they say the same. Thus you do things and enjoy company for the sake of having a good time. Often times the past is irrelevant and the future only a vague thought- there's things to be doing so why bothering thinking?

Thinking Friends
These are more often the people you talk to when there's a problem, bitch about politics to and enjoy other such intellectual activity. These friendships are often stagnant in terms of the action but are rich and depth filled in the thinking behind it and if that floats your boat these friendship provide a much deeper enjoyment than just doing- however there is little action. These people talk and discuss and debate and relate to each other- but beyond that can often remain in separate spheres. Think the online friends who you talk to about everything... they probably fit here. Often times these people have heard about the past, the future and the current and can find the connections between the three and they understand much better but they don't apply their understanding into action.

Living friends.
The most versatile bunch. These people both do and think and often combine the two. However they're often unsatisfied with too much of either one as one is too dynamic and one too stagnant. They want variety to mix things up and make things interesting which can make them unpredictable at times though they are consistent in their need for both. These people are the ones with you in the current times and you may or may not know about the past. But it doesn't matter because you know what's happening now and what will soon be happening.

On and Off Friends.
These friends are most often doing friends for phases briefly scattered through life - but because they come and go - they know where things have been. They know the past and live in the current though the future isn't a thought and the current times may not have a complete picture. These are the old friends you get together with and have a great time with but easily lose touch only to pick up the loose ends again later on. Because they've got snap shots through the past they know you well though they don't know details connecting the storyline.

Old friends.
These friends could have been any one of the above but have been lost in the sea of time and often when they're encountered they're greeted as a friend again but only to that point and then are dropped off again. Leaving a trace of the past in mind they don't have a real role in current times- they just remind you of what past and you don't know any other word so they're called friends.

There are often overlaps but like the words extroverted and introverted they're meant to be general groups of what tends to be most true. There is no clear line- but there are tendancies to be more one than another.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Well that lyric accurately summarizes day one after graduation from high school. Yes it is the end of the world I formerly knew. The world of ASB kids with social power and backstabbing b*tches with bleach blonde hair while jocks experimented with drugs and band nerds were actually popular and well known by all. The world of clubs' calendars holding power over when I did things, and where administrations policies for the dress code and school events was the only thing the average person got angered about. There was the social gossip network and the group dynamics that created small elite groups around campus who’s every member was known and monitored from a distance.

In theory it is done. High school is at least. But that shapes who we are and I'm sure the bitch bleach blondes will go onto to be equally so in life to follow. The ASB kids who conformed to the definition of perfect students set by parents and administrators will conform to the new standards in college and society. The free thinkers will be free of their cage and move to new locations where their mode of thinking is the cage to which others conform. The jocks will continue their sports obsessions and take the parties up a notch. Everything will remain similar, but everything will be affected by change. It feels natural though, and thus I'm fine with it all. Perhaps at the end of this summer it will strike- they're gone. I'm never going to be confined to a system of bells without my consent; I can refer to teachers by their first names. No one is holding my hand.

But honestly, we live the way we chose to live. I think those of us who wished to be gone have been using those desires to control the time we have alone up till now, and those looking for a system to conform to will simply join a new system- perhaps a sorority or fraternity and then take it from there. The natural progression of growing up and thinking we're wiser when we make the same mistakes.

So I'm fine with it all for now. Maybe things will change. I'd be surprised if they didn't, but change is inevitable and I'm looking forward to a new pace even if its the same race in a different location.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

He said she said OMG

Drama needs to be confined to the theatre. Egos need to be in check and horses must be taken to the glue factory. More on this later.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Tis the season to be overly sappy
Fa la la laaa la la la laa.

That's right folks, yearbooks came out today. All in color for the first time. And suprisingly good. Congrats to all you yearbook kids. Except those of you responsible for the overexposed photos, photo repeats, and other mistakes. But on the whole, lets give them credit and ignore the errors in saying it is great.

Which means...
Time to see a lot of the following

Hey There!
I loved being in (insert class name here) with you! You're
so (insert positive adjective of choice). Wow this year went by so fast!
SENIORS: I'll miss you next year when I'm at (insert school) EVERYONE ELSE: I'll miss seeing you at mountain view! I enjoyed our (# up to 4) years together and
hope next year is awesome for you. Keep in touch and have a great summer
(sign name but no heart or love or less than three before it)

Or variation on that. Now you know how to tell if I give a shit or not. If I have more than one adjective, some anicdote, an inside joke, nickname, timeline of our relationship etc... then I'm putting more effort than my churn out a signature. The churn outs would be very similar to the above.

Why is it the books are being passed out and I can think what I feel but I can't feel what think? Or at least I can't find the right words for many.

Not very thoughtful post as my brain is in shut down mode.