An everyday enigma of ennui
It is somewhat of an enigma to me why my days are so packed when I’ve done little that I was planning to. The ennui of summer days filled with work, class, commitments and clocks is not what I had anticipated when thinking wishfully into the future several months back. I have seen a great deal of family, caught up with some of the friends I’d hoped to see (though others have mysteriously vanished into the world of lost calls), read the majority of the newspaper almost everyday, checked google news and my e-mail far too frequently and found that when one person you want to see is free- it is inevitably when 4 others are also free. I’ve not shot much recently- due to a photo class I was playing with my film cameras to discover their flaws and thus I had little enthusiasm to shoot more on my rebel afterwards. My days are somewhat bland. Filled with class, work, social catch up, and sleep- there’s really little noteworthy left to speak of. I could say things about work but it would effect nothing and thus would be wasted breath (or wasted text here). I enjoy being with friends but there’s only so many times it will be fascinating to tell a story about that one time you went to get coffee with such and such and then went on a drive. Pleasing? Of course- but not very interesting to speak of. I’ve started an art project of sorts which is going slowly because I cannot bring myself to sit for more than 10 mins. But it WILL be finished soon. I need to write 4 words, glue 3 pieces of matt board together and figure out where to put it- that’s all. I’ve finished most of it but then I got tired and went to bed. I’ve rewatched some good movies and now I remember why I loved them the first time. I’m currently reading Walden and after that I’ve got several options on what to read next lying under my bed. The problem is I was motivated to read them 4 months ago- and now... not so much. Oh well. Worst case I will go to Borders and replenish my supply of new books. I’d say something new and fascinating- but I’m too tired. Goodnight.