I’m not the best blogger.
This is an obvious statement, however as I return months after my last post- it is a fitting statement. I’ve been insanely busy. As soon as summer classes were over I went to London and then to India for family reasons. Almost a month passed by before I returned home. As soon as I got back I bought text books, signed up for classes, got my social life back and started school. Between work, school, socializing, researching for my classes, doing homework, reading the news, and occasionally sleeping- I find there’s little time to bother with things like a halfhearted blog that most likely- no one reads.
Anyway I just wanted to make a quick rant in between homework assignments and this is an easy place to do so. On Americans’ outrage over Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly’s comments- we’re very quick to judge. Out of context too. And we’ll make it our top headline. And yet when Catholic leaders molest their alter boys- it’s one man with a sick problem who need’s god’s help. When the Pope says something and it’s quoted out of context corrections are issued within a few hours correcting whatever paper published the quotation. We’re quick to make the distinction that our culture doesn’t shouldn’t be judged for it- it’s a mistake of an individual not the society. And when local Muslims are just as outraged, and when the speech was taken to mean rape is excusable when in reality it was urging men to raise modest daughters- we don’t allow that separation between extremist and the culture as a whole. Gotta love western hypocrisy , especially given the claim of being open minded as we shut the door on differing perspectives.