Friday, March 31, 2006

V for Vendetta

I saw this movie on Tuesday night and had a reaction unlike any I've had before. To anything. With the combined effects of having finished a quarter of a holocaust seminar, having been in London last summer (where the movie was set), understanding most of the historical references and also having a fair amount (to say the least) of personal stresses at the moment- this movie hit all the right (or wrong nerves) for a very powerful reaction. I would highly recomend seeing it although I would hope very much your reaction is not as mine was.

In other news I have a few goals for however long my mind stays on its current track:
To read more
To write more
To donate more money to well run charities
To be more aware of the news
To think about everything I experiance and encounter
To sleep more (This is important in order to help me maintain sanity, process information and clear the slate for new notes.)

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Multitasking Generation ~ A response to the latest Time cover story

A summery: There's an amazing communications tool that our kids can use better than us! Paranoia ensues and teenagers everywhere laugh at the score of assumptions this article is based on. In our century every generation has moved beyond the realm of parental control much to the dismay of the parents. Whether it was the flappers in the 20's, the drugs of the 70's or the Internet now- all kids need some freedom and will find it in some way. Parents should raise their kids with proper values but to monitor their time online is as absurd as saying their children can only read books for an hour a day- online we have full books, music, TV shows, games, friends and everything else reality has to offer. Most kids aren't allowed out of the house on their own and the Internet proves an adequate substitute in most cases. I got an e-mail address in 2nd grade and I have as much dexterity in my hands when typing as I do in my jaw when talking. Perhaps it will take a while for adults to understand even if they built the tools we teens overuse in their eyes- we're simply furthering their development and using it to a greater capacity. Technology isn't what needs to be feared- its human nature that creates wars, pedophilia, online stalkers, verbal abuse and more. The Internet simply creates one more place for people to do what they do best: be merely human.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Short rant.

I am so sick of people asking questions that are assuming your answer before you even get a chance to respond. Damn leading questions.

posted on the wrong blog on 3-19-06

Note to self- sometimes John Mayer's lyrics are all too fitting. And I need a filter between incoherent thoughts and how they're voiced. Because in hindsight I see not only an excess of rambling- but also enough stupid moments to make me want to hit my head on a desk and then remove my foot from my mouth. Goodnight.

French Press or Drip?

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blowing in the wind

Today was a rather windy day to say the least. An ammusing occurance- as I walked to class someone halfway accross campus lost part of their binder's contents to the wind. Myself and two others seeing papers flying around started almost prancing after them trying to predict the wind and catch a few for the guy who was busy running to and fro to follow them. It would have been sad if any papers had been lost or if it wasn't taken in good spirits but neither of those was true. So thus it was just 3 strangers helping someone out and smiling a lot at mother nature's sense of humor. Not sure why you needed to know - but it seemed worthy of being shared as a random midday smile.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's all rather trivial

I was thinking early - when I voice what is bothering me it is not just the event or issue... For in general those are irrelevent- it's what issues bring out in people that bug me. It's the human side which irks me not the actions. And if someone askes how you are - most people answer with actions and descriptions of events, problems and such. Myself included. And sometimes- like now- that means absolutely nothing.

Just thinking.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Not sure why I feel like posting here- but I do... so here I go

Time has been flying by like a squirrel name Rocky. I either find myself working, at work and not working- just saying hi to people, in class, working on class stuff, thinking about working on school stuff and wasting time by overthinking on it, seeing friends, seeing family, seeing the olympics (thankfully that's done and thus I can have more free time), running errands, and just... I dunno. Living.

If I try to think specifically about what I have done during the day, it amazes me that my meager list takes the full amount of time that I'm awake. But yet I never seem to have enough free time to do certain things and despite the list being short the days are just packed with room for little else. I've become more dependent on having some out of the house time everyday recently. I need to see the sun, rain or clouds from outdoors to feel like the day truely existed. Sometimes this is done through going out to take photos, a walk, or just parking a bit farther from somewhere and walking a little longer through the parking lot. It makes me feel happier with the day so I do it. I figure even if it's nothing- it's a positive nothing.

When I have little to do there's always world news to read about or photos to upload, orginize, and back up. There are always friends who I'd like to see more of, so I try to make a point of seeing them whenever posible. There are new friends being made who I try to get to know better. If nothing else is going on and I can't think of anything specific I'd like to do I go to starbucks and hang out with fellow workers when they're free and talk to strangers in line if its busy. Human interaction rarely bores me though certain social situations exhaust me.

I have a bunch of ideas I'd like to explore at some point in the future because everytime I think I should do so now - there's class or work to go to. Or other commitments which I honor more than fleeting whims of an idle mind. But the whims keep my mind active between the items on the to do list and somehow life ends up fairly full at the end of the day (or early in the morning when I prepare to end my day off sync from the clock) which is all that matters I guess.

That's all of the random rambling for tonight. For you handful of readers, thanks for sticking with me. I hope as I write this, that you're currently sleeping with sweet dreams filling your mind. And when you see this I hope you're well rested and having a good day/night/afternoon/unit of time.